Monday, June 15, 2015

Make-it Mondays! Kids Potato Prints

 So easy and safe with the use of plastic cutlery and some pre-halved potatoes! It's a great feeling to let the kids carve them on their own and take pride in their own work.  SO - Let's make some art!

A finished print on construction paper with brown ink

Slice a potato in half either length-wise or width-wise for the child

Let the child use a plasatic knife or fork and scrape and dig the potato to make marks on the flesh side.

Place potatoes flesh side down on paper towels to absorb moisture. Press potato into an ink pad and press firmly!

Put four - six newspaper sections under the sheet of paper you will print on. Press inked potato onto paper firmly.

Lift the potato up and re-ink to continue printing! Make a pattern with different colors and carved potatoes!

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