Friday, January 15, 2016

Ten Reasons to try Monoprinting

Birds in the Bush A monoprint enriched with pastel
 So what is monoprinting anyway and why am I so excited to offer a month long - 30 instructional days of it this year? Let me count the ways for you! Monoprinting Class begins February 1st! Join us for a low-tech - low materials process oriented great fun class!
Come spring multi layered print with transparent layers. Click to enlarge
  1.  Monoprinting is a lot like painting because you end up with ONE image at the end.
  2. Unlike painting it goes at a quicker pace.
  3. It encourages you to be spontaneous 
  4. It helps you work through many ideas in one session.
  5. It can allow for mistakes to be triumphs.
Surface  a gelatin monoprint

6. It is a playful process
7. Each print is a useful material for other work.
8. Each print can stand on it's own as art.
9. It's a great way to get drawing back into your life.
10. It will surprise you each time you pull a print!

There are thousands more - but I'll let you find out for yourself ! Have a beautiful weekend!

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